In the guide
Before you start
Make sure you choose your location using the drop-down list at the top of the page.
For more detailed information, please see the In-depth Guides below. Some laws are different in England, Scotland and Wales, and some are enforced differently, so the In-depth Guides provide country-specific information.
Once you've finished, make sure you look at the full range of Quick Guides to see whether there are any other areas of law that affect your business.
This guide gathers together the In-depth Guides that may not fit neatly into the areas of Trading Standards law covered by the other Quick Guides.
You'll still need to read the Quick Guides that cover what, where and how you sell, but it may be that you can't find specific information on your business.
How do you know whether you're affected by the law
The laws affecting businesses may seem daunting, and some sectors are much more heavily regulated than others. However, it is your responsibility to ensure that you research which laws apply to your specific business venture.
Back to topIn-depth guidance
This is a general guide and you may well need to know more; take a look below where we've listed our In-depth Guides on specific topics related to other guidance and business activitiesGeneral
Energy-efficiency labels must be displayed on certain electrical goods that are for sale
All businesses are required to charge for most new single-use carrier bags they supply
How the law applies to products sold in these types of shop, including food supplements, cosmetics, and products of animal origin
Essential welfare information for individuals that keep animals, including pets and livestock
Understand the relevance of Energy Performance Certificates, Display Energy Certificates and the Green Deal, and whether these apply to your property
It is important for businesses to understand what IP rights they own and how best to protect those rights
Important facts to consider before allowing an occasional or one-day sale to be held at your premises
The legal requirement to reduce, re-use, recover and recycle packaging, and what evidence you need in order to demonstrate compliance.
A guide to the law on the packaging, tracking and tracing of tobacco products and the distribution and advertising of vapes
Any person who deals in precious metals must ensure they are correctly hallmarked and must display a dealers' notice
The minimum standard of energy efficiency of certain non-domestic rented property is a rating of E or above
The minimum standard of energy efficiency of certain domestic rented property is a rating of E or above
The manufacture and supply of certain single-use plastic products is prohibited
Businesses need to ensure that environmental claims made about their products or services are not misleading
There are detailed requirements regarding the storage and retail supply of fireworks, including licensing and the times of the year when they can be supplied
How to determine if you are 'in business' for legal purposes
Running your business
How to spot and then avoid getting caught out by scams targeting businesses
Understand the law regarding your business trading name; there are particular rules that only apply to 'companies'
A guide to the Primary Authority partnership businesses can have with Trading Standards services
How Trading Standards officers ensure that businesses comply with Trading Standards law, including their powers to visit businesses and to take formal enforcement action